The Leading Launchpad
Introducing Fair Initial DEX Offering
Discover the Web3 revolution by investing in premier early-stage projects. Experience unparalleled trust, commitment, and transparency. Empower the next generation of start-ups through your vote and voice.
Carbonstarteris a fully decentralized, community-governed launchpad designed to foster the growth and launch of early-stage projects. Built on Arbitrum, Carbonstarter provides a safe, trusted and verified place for innovations to launch and individuals to invest and grow.



is the native token of Carbonstarter. It is a token of direct governance, future growth, and additional benefits. With ARBS, users can take part in various incentive mechanisms and governance participation.





Introducing Fair Initial DEX Offering (FIDO) - the next evolution of Web3 crowdfunding.

FIDO empowers early-stage projects to pitch directly to users and private investors, Projects set their terms and the $ARBS holder community votes on launch proposals. 

No middlemen, just pure, decentralized value exchange.  Carbonstarter facilitates trust, safety, and value.



Deposit and lock tokens to unlock attractive, dynamic APR rewards
Vote with


Stake ARBS in exchange for voting rights to support FIDO projects and receive incentives


Earn up to 400% APY in $ARBS rewards by staking your LP tokens

On Carbonstarter, FIDO projects compete for yourARBS vote. While all projects are expected to compete in their merit, some projects may offer token incentives in exchange for your vote.

Delegate your vote tosupport FIDO Projects, and receive early token airdrops from innovative projects.


We exist to empower entrepreneurship, innovation, and the building of ideas. Carbonstarter does not enforce any unjust terms and conditions on early-stage projects, and the FIDO spots cannot be bought. FIDO projects make their best pitch and receive community votes based on merits and incentives alone.


We understand that the opportunity for growth must not come at the expense of increased risk. All $ARBS token holders can benefit from token staking with dynamic APR. When you stake while others aren’t, your rewards increase even further.


Stake ARBS in exchange for direct DAO governance votes. Depending on the lock duration you commit to your ARBS stake, you receive an increased weight multiplier on voting rights. The more you are committed to governance, the more your opinion matters. ARBS DAO voting mechanism rewards the most committed stakeholders.


Carbonstarter is 100% community-governed. Each ARBS holder that participates in staking is eligible to exercise their vote across all FIDO proposals. There is no enforced delegation of voting rights, and there is no upper council that moderates DAO votes. Everyone votes. Everyone owns. Every vote matters.

Facilitating Value

There are no gimmicky tiers to limit access to early-stage investment opportunities. Those who vote in favor of the FIDO get the front-row seat in further supporting the early-stage projects that they have voted for. Carbonstarter is distributing value directly to those who are the most supported and invested in the future success of each project.


Community First Every Time

Carbonstarter, with 100% community-driven governance, focuses on safeguarding its community. A 24/7 watchdog group ensures bad actors stay away, protecting the $ARBS token holder community.

Complete Anonymity
Carbonstarter does not collect personal information on any community investors. We value privacy and security. We believe in the universal human rights to remain anonymous. 
Ready to takeyourproject

to the next level?

Building in Web3? Let’s connect. Reach out to explore Fair Initial DEX Offering (FIDO) together. Discover what to expect and maximize the process. Get in touch now.

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